
Answers and advice from Playpass

Publishing FAQ

Go from Draft to Published with 1 tap from any schedule, registration activity, referral program, waiver, page, or file upload.

Support Help & FAQs Publishing FAQ

Only you can view your homepage, schedule, registration activity, referral program, waiver, page, or file upload until you publish it.

When you create something it is typically not published. This gives you time to adjust it and get it ready to go live.

After you publish it, anyone you share the link with can view it. With one tap you can Publish or Unpublish.


From navigation bar tap the blue Publish link, or from Edit > Advanced > Publish



From Edit > Advanced you can unpublish, copy or delete with 1 tap as well.


What if someone visits something that I unpublished or deleted?

They'll see a short message saying "not found", and get a helpful link to your homepage.

player view of unpublished

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